5 comments on “This NYRA can’t be trusted on track changes

  1. So well stated Tom. Thank you for writing such a well thought out and comprehensive critique of the current NYRA.

  2. Chris Kay – the worst thing to happen to Saratoga. From Toy-R-Us to Fans-R-Screwed. I sent a letter to Mr. Kay and all 16 members of the NYRA BOD. Know how many responses I got? Make a circle with your thumb and index finger. Kay is solely in charge and no one on the Board better mess with him. Kudos, however, to Mr.Hendrickson for standing up to him.

  3. While I don’t want to see trees cut down or care much about a museum since there is a perfectly good one across the road, some changes need to take place at Saratoga. Moving the picnickers further back won’t hurt since they mostly come for a day out and not the horse racing. My biggest problem is not getting to see the horses in the paddock before the race to pick which ones I want to bet on. If I do, then I have to climb over chairs and coolers and people, some of whom are clearly not interested in racing. A tiered stand paddock side for punters to view runners and freely walk back to the betting windows would be the best improvement NYRA could make. In fact I usually book for the Travers ever year but after last year I swore off coming again.

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